Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big City Livin'

Good Morning All!

So, I have probably mentioned just a few times, that I am NOT a morning person.  After letting my husband know multiple times this morning that he needs to stop making noise and turning on lights because I am sick and needed my sleep, he barged in insisting that I come look at his truck.  
I don't know what I was expecting, but I was not expecting this...

All four tires on the truck... GONE...  Instead, his truck is just on two cement blocks.

As soon as I saw this I thought of my dad.   He thinks Houston and Dallas are the crime-pits of America.  Needless to say, we have had multiple conversations where I nicely inform him that we live in a nice suburb of Houston and these kinds of things don't really happen in the 'burbs.  You know he is one of those guys that talks about his big city livin' friends and how this happens to the entire neighborhood in one night.  Yes, he tells me that this happens to hundreds of houses, in the same night, and nobody notices.  I just politely let him know that this kind of stuff would never happen in our neighborhood because we live in a great neighborhood in Cypress, and we are safe.

Hence, when I walked outside and saw that this happened to us, I dreaded his response.  I texted our parents this morning to wake them up with good tidings and a picture, and my dad's response... "Welcome to Houston".  

The fight is over.  I will no longer attempt to convince him that it is safe here, because I myself am ready to move.

Good thing we are renting a house.  Makes me want to just text our landlord "Moving out today- Thanks & Gig' Em".  I wonder if my husband will support that.. Hmmmm... I have some thinking to do! Ha!

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