Thursday, February 6, 2014

Texas Winter...

So, I woke up this morning and like usual I played on my phone for a bit before getting out of bed.  As I was checking instagram, I realized that it had snowed outside... In Houston... Guys this is a big deal.  I was shocked and didn't really believe it because we have had potential ice/snow in the radar twice in the last few weeks, but nothing. And when I went to bed last night, no chance of snow that I saw!  So of course, I jumped up like a kindergartener and was so excited when I went outside and saw white dippin' dots on my car...

& even a little in the beds where flowers would go if we could keep them alive.

I don't know when the next time I will see this when I click on my weather app, so I had to capture it for proof that it did in fact freeze rain and ice in Texas! 


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