Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wait, what? We have a dog?

Although Luke, the golden retriever, has been long suspicious of this little thing that cries, whines, screams, and gets all of our attention, Eli has not yet reciprocated the concern...

Until yesterday...

Joseph was holding Eli on the couch and he was munching on something.  Like normal when we have food, Luke comes and stands beside us and begs like the well-trained dog that he is! Ha.  And then the ah ha moment happened.  Eli looked at Luke like he had never seen him before and kept reaching out to grab him.  Unfortunately, we were so distracted with the moment that we didn't snap a picture!

Then this morning, while playing on his mat, Luke came up beside him, and Eli was touching his paw and in aww with him. It was so cute. I can just see a beautiful friendship in the making! :)

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